02 November 2008

the world is perishing.
the earth is dying.
the end is near.
who will tell them?
who will go?
it is the last hours
will you still just sit there?
will you continue to ignore them
and spend your last moments
with a movie and a white mocha?
wake up!
listen and go.
go next door.
go across the street.
go to your coffee shop.
to your grocery store.
you don't need to travel the world.
just step outside your door.


Jon Winslow said...

I like it :) Possibly though b/c missions is who I am...

Hannah said...

Thanks for posting that, Amber!

Gwennie said...

Lovely, Amber! I'm so glad to have found your blog! Come and visit mine sometime!

Happy Christmas!

andie jael haugen said...

Perfectly said.

andie jael haugen said...
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