18 May 2010

i find correlation in the oddest things sometimes. like this morning. went to put toner on my face. bottle says "use a cottonball". i don't want to run upstairs for a cottonball so use tissue instead. yeah. they don't work the same. I mean... the tissue works, but it just absorbs everything to the point that all the toner is in the tissue and hardly any on my face. it just struck me that that is how i usually am. always absorbing everything and never giving anything back. taking from God, from church, from friends, from co-workers, and never
pouring love and compassion back to them. i want to be someone who gives the life and power that God breathes into me and turn and breathe a little of that joy into others. it's my job from God even when i forget about it. so really. i want to be a cottonball. i want to absorb His life and power and yet be squeezed out to breathe to others.

i should call this the oddblog.

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